Symbolic Links|符号链接

原文:Symbolic links

Short version: there is no exact equivalent for POSIX symlinks on Windows, and the closest thing is unavailable for non-admins by default. Therefore, symlink emulation support is switched off by default and needs to be configured by you, the user, via the core.symlinks=true config setting.

简介:Windows平台上没有与POSIX的symlinks完全对等的对象,最接近的一种类型(symbolic link)默认对非管理员用户是不可用的。所以,在安装Git-windows的时候默认关闭了支持 symlink 的选项,需要用户通过设置 core.symlinks=true 配置项来手动配置。


Starting with Windows Vista, there is support for symbolic links. These are not your grandfather’s Unix symbolic links; They differ in quite a few ways:

Windows从Vista开始支持symbolic links(符号链接)。这不是你爷爷的Unix上的symbolic links,他们非常不同:

  • Symbolic links are only available on Windows Vista and later, most notably not on XP

    Symbolic links 只在Windows Vista 和更新的版本中可用,甚至XP中都不行。

  • You need the SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege privilege, which is by default assigned only to Administrators and guarded by UAC, but can be assigned to other users or user groups (see below).

    你需要SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege 权限来创建Symbolic links,这个权限默认是只分配给Administrators,被UAC守护的,但是也可以分配给其他用户和用户组。

  • Symbolic links on remote filesystems are disabled by default (call fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation to find out)

    默认情况下禁用远程文件系统中的Symbolic links(调用 fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation 可以看到)

  • Symbolic links will only work on NTFS, not on FAT nor exFAT

    Symbolic links 只能作用在NTFS文件系统中,不能用于FAT和exFAT

  • Windows’ symbolic links are typed: they need to know whether they point to a directory or to a file (for this reason, Git will update the type when it finds that it is wrong)

    Windows 的Symbolic links是有类型的:它们需要知道它们被指向的是目录还是文件(因此,Git在发现错误时会更新类型)

  • Many programs do not understand symbolic links

    许多程序不能识别symbolic links

For those reasons, Git for Windows disables support for symbolic links by default (it will still read them when it encounters them). You can enable support via the core.symlinks config variable, e.g. when cloning:

因为这些原因,Git for Windows 默认禁用了对Symbolic links的支持(当遇到symbolic links时,Git仍然会读取它们)。你可以通过修改配置项core.symlinks的值来启用对Symbolic links的支持,例如在clone仓库的时候:

git clone -c core.symlinks=true <URL>

创建 symbolic links

By default, the ln -s command in Git Bash does not create symbolic links. Instead, it creates copies.

默认情况下,Git Bash中的 ln -s 命令不会创建symbolic links。相反,它会创建副本。

To create symbolic links (provided your account has permission to do so), use the built-in mklink command, like so:

要创建Symbolic links(如果你的账户有权限这样做),请使用Windows的cmd.exe内建的mklink 命令,像这样:

mklink /d this-link-points-to c:\that-directory 	#创建目录类型的symbolic link
mklink this-link-points-to c:\that-file #创建文件类型的symbolic link


本文标题:Symbolic Links|符号链接


发布时间:2018年08月10日 - 18:22:34

最后更新:2019年07月15日 - 18:05:10

原始链接:让Git支持Windows Symbolic link/

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